Data dictionary

The data dictionary is a set of best practice guidance for specific user-focused tasks and input types for use in iApply or other forms platforms.

Before you use the data dictionary you need to be familiar with other sections of the form platform topic including:


Use the iApply template OSS - residential address inside control group. This template also includes the option to add an international residential and postal address.

Text 'OSS -Simple Australian Residential and Postal Address

Australian address

Never just ask for 'address'. Instead, be specific about the type - eg residential or postal.

Australian addresses should be collected using a single field with an autocomplete address lookup and an option to supply an address manually if it isn't listed.

Australian addresses are written <Unit number and Unit type [optional])> <Street number and Street name and Street type>, <Suburb or town> <State> <Postcode>, that is:

  • single space between <Unit > and <Street>
  • single comma and single space, after <Street>
  • single space between <Suburb or town> and <State>
  • single space between <State> and <Postcode>

Australian addresses are :

  • Sentence case for <Unit> and <Street>
  • Uppercase for  <Suburb or town>
  • 2-3 letter abbreviation, all upper case for <State>. Note: iApply uses full name, sentence case

Australian addresses don't require country.

See addressing guidelines for Australia Post guidance including for traditional place names.

Australian residential address lookup

Note: In iApply instance 2, the first address field is a dropdown list with Country 'Australia' as the default.

Field name Placeholder textFormat Error messages

Residential address

Start typing to search for an address

Text input

Address not found - Address not listed - allow me to supply my own

Australian residential address manual entry

If the Australian residential address lookup doesn't find the address use placeholder text - Address not listed - allow me to supply my own

Note: In iApply instance 2, the first address field is a dropdown list with Country 'Australia' as the default.

Field name


Error messages

Address line 1

Address line 2

Suburb or town



Text input

Text input

Text input

Dropdown list

Text input

No text input - Enter address line 1

Optional field

No text input - Enter a suburb or town

No selection - Select a state

No text input - Enter a postcode

Postal address lookup

Note: In iApply instance 2:

  • the first address field is a dropdown list with Country 'Australia' as the default
  • the postal address lookup will only find a street address eg not a PO Box or Locked bag address.
Field name Placeholder textFormat Error messages

Postal address

Start typing to search for an address

Text input

Address not found - Address not listed - allow me to supply my own

Australian postal address manual entry

If the Australian postal address lookup doesn't find the address use placeholder text - Address not listed - allow me to supply my own

Note: In iApply instance 2, the first address field is a dropdown list with Country 'Australia' as the default.

Field name


Error messages

Address line 1

Address line 2

Suburb or town



Text input

Text input

Text input

Dropdown list

Text input

No text input - Enter address line 1

Optional field

No text input - Enter a suburb or town

No selection - Select a state

No text input - Enter a postcode

Overseas residential or postal address manual entry

Use ISO 3166 country codes as a dropdown list.  Australia should be first on the list unless Australia is the default.

Note: In iApply instance 2, must select the Country from the dropdown list.

Field name


Error messages

Address line 1

Address line 2

Suburb or province or region

Zip or postal code

Text input

Text input

Text input

Text input

No text input - Enter address line 1

Optional field

No text input - Enter a suburb or province or region

No selection - Enter zip or postal code

Card numbers

Not everyone has or can use a telephone and or email address so consider giving users a choice about how they can be contacted.

Field name Placeholder textFormat Error messages

What is the [whatever it is] number?

eg What is the Medicare number?


[Whatever it is] number

eg Medicare number

For example

Medicare number

For example - 5122 46313 9

Text input

Match card number format

No text input - Provide a [whatever it is] number

eg Provide a Medicare number

Format - Enter a valid [whatever it is] number

eg Enter a valid Medicare number - provide examples if hint text isn't used

Contact details

Not everyone has or can use a telephone and or email address so consider giving users a choice about how they can be contacted.

Field nameFormat Error messages

What is your preferred way for us to contact you?


Contact details

Radio group


No selection - Select a preferred way to be contacted

Date of birth

Used in the OSS - Base form.

Field name Placeholder textFormat Error messages

Date of birth


Text input

No text input  - Enter a date of birth

Incorrect format - Enter a date of birth in the format dd/mm/yyyy


The way you should ask users for dates depends on the types of date you’re asking for.

Dates you may need users to provide include:

  • memorable dates, like a date of birth or marriage
  • dates from documents or cards, like a passport or credit card
  • approximate dates, like ‘July 2017’
  • relative dates, like ‘4 days from today’

In some cases you might need users to pick a date from a given selection.

Memorable dates

Use the date input component when you’re asking users for a date they’ll already know, or can look up without using a calendar.

Asking for dates from documents and cards

When asking for a date exactly as it’s shown on a passport, credit card, or other document, make the fields match the format of the original. This makes it easier for users to copy the date accurately.

Asking for approximate dates

Allow users to enter an approximate date when you are asking them for information they may not know or may struggle to remember. For example, allow users to enter ‘December 2017’ for a field that says ‘the date you lost your passport’.

Asking for relative dates

You may need to ask for dates that are relative to today’s date or another date - this is common if a user is setting a reminder.

To do this let users enter or select relative dates like ‘tomorrow’ or ‘1 day before’. If the day of the week is important, show this as well.

Helping users to pick a date

Users might need to pick a date from a selection, for example, to book an appointment.

To do this, you can present dates in a calendar format using a calendar control. A calendar control should also have the option for the user to add the date manually.

How to write dates

If you give an example date, use 13 or more for the day and 9 or less for the month - for example, ‘27 03 2007’. This helps users enter the date in the correct order and shows them they do not need to include leading zeroes.


Used in the OSS - Base form.

On the Review and submit page the declaration Checkbox uses the following:

Text - I declare that all the information I have provided is true and correct.

If the checkbox isn't ticked the error message displayed is - Tick the declaration box for I declare that all information provided by  me is true and correct

Email address

Used in the OSS - Base form - Personal details page

Field nameFormat Error messages

Email address

Text input

No text input - Enter an email address

Incorrect format -  Enter an email address in the correct format - for example

Used in the OSS - Base form - Review and submit page

Field nameFormat Error messages

Email address for receipt

Text input

No text input  - Enter an email address

Field set

Use Controls - Control Group to separate different sections on the same page, for example, a Personal details page could contain name, date of birth, contact details and address in 2 control groups:

Your details
Boat owner details

File upload

Field name Control DisplayError messages

Use Upload a copy of [whatever it is]

For example - 'Upload a copy of your permit'

Select File Browser

In the Control editor:

Default Maximum File Size Per File is 10 MB

Default Maximum File Upload Count is 5 - doesn't display on the page

Total file uploads throughout the form should be kept to under 20 MB.

Add files types allowed:

Tick the various Allowed File Type boxes to select from - .DOC, .DOCX, .XLS, .XLSX, .PPT, .PPTX, .PDF, .CSV, .TXT, .RTF, .BMP, .GIF, .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG, .TIF, .TIFF, .ZIP, .7ZIP, .RAR, .GZIP, .MP4, .AVI, .MKV, .MP3

Tick the Other file types to include specific formats required and enter text.

For example - DOC, DOCX, PDF

Add a Label to tell the user the documents that are to be uploaded and the number of  files allowed

For example -

Upload a certified copy of your marine clearance certificate


Upload copies of your qualifications - up to 3 files.

Default display:

Blue button  +Add files...
Maximum allowed size per file is 10.0 MB.

Adding different file types allowed displays as - example:

Blue button  +Add files...
Maximum allowed size per file is 10.0 MB.
Allowed file types:.DOC, .DOCX, .XLS, .XLSX, .PPT, .PPTX, .PDF, .CSV, .TXT, .RTF, .BMP, .GIF, .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG, .TIF, .TIFF, .ZIP, .7ZIP, .RAR, .GZIP, .MP4, .AVI, .MKV, .MP3

Adding other files types allowed displays as - example:

Blue button  +Add files...
Maximum allowed size per file is 10.0 MB.
Allowed file types: .DOC, .DOCX, .PDF

The system automatically adds the dot extension and changes text to upper case.

No file upload - Upload [whatever it is]

The system automatically generates error messages and won't allow file uploads to exceed the maximum file upload count as specified in the Control Editor

Gender or sex

You should only ask people about gender or sex if you genuinely cannot provide your service without this information.

If you do need to ask, use the label ‘sex’ when you need biological data (for example, if you’re providing a medical service) or if asking for sex as shown on a passport. In all other cases, use the label ‘gender’.

'Gender' should include a 'Prefer not to say' option  - this option is friendly to those who are:

  • intersex
  • fear that their gender reveal with expose them to discrimination
  • those who have chosen to identify with other genders other than male or female
  • do not know their gender.
Field nameFormat Error messages


Dropdown list

Prefer not to say


Option to include text input if Other selected


Radio group (vertical)

Indeterminate, intersex, unspecified 

No selection - Select an option for gender

Text input - Other - Add another gender


Meaningful text that clearly describes the content of a page or section should be used for all:

  • navigation terms
  • page titles
  • headings and subheadings.

Don't use the names of programs, initiatives, or business units in page titles or headings.

Use sentence case for all headings and titles.

Form title

Form titles should include the name of the service, expressed as an action if possible. If there is a SA.GOV.AU  call to action page the form title should be the same.

Page titles

These should include the name of what the user has to do on the page eg  'Personal details, 'Review and submit'.


Use effective headings

Effective page titles and section headings tell you what you are going to get.  Good headings the user to quickly scan the page and identify what they are looking for. Break content up into small paragraphs and write good, meaningful headings that describe the content beneath.

Headings should:

  • make sense to the target audiences
  • indicate at a glance what the content is about.

Heading hierarchy

Strictly follow the hierarchy of headings on a page. Don't skip a level just because you think the page looks better that way.

Screen readers rely on properly formatted headings to convey the structure of the content:

  1. main - H1
  2. sub-heading - H2
  3. sub-sub-heading - H3
  4. sub-sub-sub-heading - H4.

Note: iApply is not compliant with the use of headings in this order.

Further information - SA.GOV.AU - Page titles, labels and headings

Indigenous status

Use the Services Australia list.

Field nameFormat Error messages

Indigenous status

Dropdown list

Torres Strait Islander
Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Prefer not to say

No selection - Select an Indigenous status

For further information about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples refer to the Australian Government style manual.


Use the relevant category from the Australian Bureau of Statistics 1267.0 Australian Classification of Languages, 2016, or use text input.

Field nameFormat Error messages

Primary spoken language other than English

Dropdown list

Alphabetical order as per the ABS classifications

Default option in the dropdown list

Select language


Text input

Dropdown list - No selection - Select a primary spoken language other than English

Text input - No selection - Enter a primary spoken language other than English


Make it clear if you need someone’s common name or their name as it’s written on official documents such as a passport or driver's licence.

Middle names should be optional, as not everyone has them. The exception is when a person has a middle name or middle names that are required as part of identity verification.

Full name - single field

Use full name as a text input if it isn't necessary to distinguish between name types, for example if you just want a contact name.

Field nameFormat Error messages

Full name

Text input - single field

Alpha free text field to allow for hyphens, apostrophes, and spaces

No text input - Enter full name

No text input - Enter full name - for example - given name and family name

No text input - Enter full name - for example - given name, middle names, and family name

No text input - Enter full name - for example - given name, middle names, and family name

No text input - Enter full name - for example -full name, as it appears on official documents - don't use initials

No text input - Enter full name - for example -preferred names - don't use initials

Full name - multiple fields

Used in the OSS - Base form.

Field nameFormat Error messages
Given name

Text input

Alpha free text field to allow for hyphens, apostrophes, and spaces

No text input - Enter a given name

Middle names 

[optional field]

Text input

Alpha free text field to allow for hyphens, apostrophes, and spaces

Family name

Text input

Alpha free text field to allow for hyphens, apostrophes, and spaces

No text input- Enter a family name

Don't have both a given name and a family name

Consider using an option for people who don't have both a given name and a family name.

Field nameFormat Error messages

Don't have both a given name and a family name?

and then

Enter names

Text input - single field

Alpha free text field to allow for hyphens, apostrophes, and spaces

No text input - Enter names

Other names

If you need to collect other names, a person is or has been known by and if more than, one other name, is acceptable, the standard name fields, format, and error messages above should be implemented as a set of repeated fields.

Field name Help text on the pageFormat Error messages

In addition to the names already provided, are you or have you ever been known by any other names?


Any other names

You must provide all names. For example, if you changed your name after marriage or have a different name that you use for professional purposes.

Radio group (vertical)

No selection - Select any other names 

If 'Yes' is selected you may also need to collect why the person is or has been known by another name.

Field nameFormat Error messages
Type of any other names

Dropdown list

Aboriginal or tribal name
Adoptive name
Foster name
Maiden name
Previous married name

Option to include text input if Other selected

No selection -  Select the type of any other names

Text input - Other - Add another type of name

Name title

Avoid asking people for their title. It’s extra work for them and you’re asking them to potentially reveal their gender and marital status, which they may not want to do.

If have to include title use the 4 most common titles (Miss, Mr, Mrs, Ms) in alphabetical order, plus options of 'Mx' and 'Other'.

‘Ms’ is widely used instead of ‘Mrs’ or ‘Miss’. It does not disclose marital status. ‘Mx’ refers to non-binary people and those who do not wish to be referred to by their gender.

Field nameFormat Error messages


Dropdown list


Option to include text input if Other selected

No selection - Select an option for title

Text input - Other - Add another title

Option lists

Use Controls - Radio Group to select a single option from a list.  Error message  - No selection - Select an option for [whatever it is] - eg Select an option for Do you need an interpreter?

Use Controls - Checkbox Group to select one or more options from a list. Error message  - No selection - Select at least 1 option for [whatever it is] - eg Select at least one option for What are your favourite food groups?

Personal details and address order

Use this sequence:

Given name
Middle name
Family name
Date of birth
Email address 
Phone number

Phone number

Phone number is used in the OSS - Base form.

However use the field name or placeholder text to tell people if you specifically need an Australian, international, or mobile telephone number.

Field nameFormat Error messages

Phone number

Text input

No text input  - Enter a phone number

Mobile phone number

Text input

No text input  - Enter a mobile phone number

International phone number

Text input

No text input  - Enter an international  phone number

Landline phone number

Text input

No text input  - Enter a landline phone number

Exact phone number

Use the field name or placeholder text to tell people if you specifically need an Australian, international, or mobile telephone number.

Field namePlaceholder textFormatError messages

Phone number

For example - 08 8226 4567 or  0400 890 567

Text input

Numbers only

Mobile -10 digits excluding country code  ie 04## ### ###

No text input  - Enter a phone number

Format - Enter a phone number in the correct format for example [as per placeholder text]

Mobile phone number

For example - 0400 890 567

Text input

Numbers only

10 digits excluding country code  ie 04## ### ###

No text input  - Enter a mobile phone number

Format - Enter a mobile phone number in the correct formatfor example [as per placeholder text]

International phone number

For example - 61 8 5550 4321 or 61 491 570 159 

Text input

Landline -11 digits comprising country code, area code and landline ie 61 # #### ####

Mobile - 11 digits including country code ie 61 4## ### ###

No text input  - Enter an international  phone number

Format - Enter international phone number in the  correct format for example [as per placeholder text]

Landline phone number

For example - 08 8226 4567 

Text input

Numbers only

Landline -10 digits comprising area code and landline ie  0# #### ####

No text input  - Enter a landline phone number

Format - Enter a landline phone number in the correct format- for example [as per placeholder text]

Relationship status

You should only ask people about relationship status if you genuinely cannot provide your service without this information.

Field name Help text on the pageFormat Error messages

Relationship status

A registered relationship is where the relationship is registered under a law of a state or territory. A de facto relationship is where you and your partner are in a relationship similar to a married couple but are not married or in a registered relationship.

Dropdown list

In a registered relationship
In a de facto relationship 


Option to include text input if Other selected

No selection - Select a relationship status

Text input - Other - Add another relationship status

Text boxes and text areas

Use Controls - Textbox for a short answer, for example to Other in a dropdown list on a single line or a couple of lines.

Use Controls - Textarea for long answers over several lines.

Field nameFormat Error messages

1. Single line


2. Longer than a single line

a. Ask as a question

For example - Can you provide more detail?


b. Statement

For example - Summary of the event

Depending on the number of characters required or expected use

Text input (single line)


Text area input (multiple lines). Make the height of the text area proportional to the amount of text you expect users to enter.

Alpha free text field to allow for hyphens, apostrophes, and spaces

If there’s a good reason to limit the number of characters users can enter,  use Control Editor > Maximum Length (number of characters).  If using this component you must add hint text about the number of characters in the placeholder text.

For example:

Field label - Enter a description of the vehicle accident

Placeholder text - 500 characters or less

No text input without a character count - Enter [whatever it is]

For example: Enter other details

For example:  Enter more detail

For example: Enter a summary of the event

If a character count is used the system won't allow the user to add extra characters over the limit specified.

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Page last updated 3 July 2023

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Department of the Premier and Cabinet
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SA.GOV.AU is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence. © Copyright 2024