Qualifying voyages

If you are applying for a marine pilotage exemption certificate or renewing your certificate you'll need to undertake the relevant qualifying voyages and provide proof of your qualifying entry and exit voyages.

Qualifying voyages

Qualifying entry voyage means a voyage into the harbor (or section of the harbor) in respect of which your application is made, to a wharf, mooring or anchorage.

Qualifying exit voyage means a voyage out of the harbor (or section of the harbor) in respect of which your application is made, from a wharf, mooring or anchorage.

Qualifying voyages must:

  • be undertaken with a licensed pilot (or a master with a current pilotage exemption certificate for that harbor or section of harbor) on board the vessel
  • in the opinion of the department (formed after consultation with the relevant port operator), be satisfactorily completed,
  • be undertaken within 12 months of the date on which the application is made.

Qualifying voyages for issue of a certificate

Category 1

Where an applicant does not hold a current pilotage exemption certificate of any category, they must, as operator of a vessel >35 m in length, undertake a minimum of 2 entry and 2 exit voyages during daylight hours.

Applicants holding a current pilotage exemption certificate of another category must undertake, as operator of a vessel of at least the length appropriate to the new category sought, 2 entry and 2 exit voyages during daylight hours.

Category 2, 3 and special exemption certificate

Qualifying voyages must be undertaken on a vessel not less than the length appropriate to the category applied for.

Applicants not holding a current pilotage exemption certificate of any category, are required to undertake, either:

  • 3 entry and 3 exit voyages during daylight hours, and
  • 1 further entry and 1 further exit voyage either during daylight hours or during the hours of darkness.
  • 2 entry and 2 exit voyages during daylight hours, and
  • as first mate - 3 further entry and 3 further exit voyages during daylight hours (actively on duty on the bridge of the vessel) of such a vessel.

Qualifying voyages for issue of night navigation endorsement

An endorsement for night navigation can be obtained by undertaking further qualifying voyages during the hours of darkness.

Category 1

Requires 1 further entry and 1 further exit voyage of the kind required for the certificate during the hours of darkness.

Category 2, 3, and special exemption certificate

Requires 3 further entry and 3 further exit voyages of the kind required for the certificate during the hours of darkness.

Qualifying voyages for renewal of certificate that ceases to be in force

Category 1 renewal

The applicant has undertaken, as operator of a vessel > 35 m in length - 1 entry and 1 exit voyage during daylight hours and if the application includes an application for an endorsement for night navigation - 1 further entry and1 further exit voyage during the hours of darkness.

Category 2, 3 or special pilotage exemption certificate renewal

The applicant has undertaken, as operator of a vessel of not less than the length appropriate to the category of

  • if the period since the applicant last navigated a vessel pursuant to the certificate is less than 12 months -1 entry and 1 exit voyage during daylight hours and if the application includes an application for an endorsement for night navigation - 1 further entry and 1 further exit voyage during the hours of darkness
  • OR
  • if the period since the applicant last navigated a vessel pursuant to the certificate is between 12 and 24 months - 2 entry and 2 exit voyages during daylight hours; and if the application includes an application for an endorsement for night navigation - 2 further entry and 2 further exit voyages during the hours of darkness
  • OR
  • if the period since the applicant last navigated a vessel pursuant to the certificate is 24 months or more - 3 entry voyages and 3 exit voyages during daylight hours and if the application includes an application for an
    endorsement for night navigation - 3 further entry and 3 further exit voyages during the hours of darkness.

Proof of your qualifying entry and exit voyages


If you use the log of qualifying entry and exit voyages to record your voyages, you must ensure all voyages are signed off by the pilot or exempt master who supervised your voyages. You must not sign off your own voyages.

Log your qualifying entry and exit voyages (33.5 KB DOCX)

Contact Marine Safety SA

Phone: 1300 183 046
Email:  dit.marinesafety@sa.gov.au

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Page last updated 29 December 2023

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