Vary a gaming machine licence condition

You can apply to change the conditions of your gaming machine licence, including adding any exemptions to your licence.

All applications are assessed by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner.

When applying you'll need to meet certain requirements and provide a range of documents.

Application fees

Community impact assessment

Community impact assessment

A community impact assessment demonstrates that granting your application is in the community interest.

Once your application is received, Consumer and Business Services (CBS) will determine whether you need to prepare a community impact assessment.

When making this decision, CBS consider:

  • harm that might be caused by gambling - whether to a community as a whole, or a specific group within that community
  • cultural, recreational, employment or tourist impacts
  • social impact in the community.

If you do need to prepare a community impact assessment, CBS will contact you and explain this process.

The level of detail required in a community impact assessment submission will vary for each application.

Community Impact Assessments - CBS website

Application fees

Vary licence conditions (other than a condition relating to the number of gaming machines on licensed premises): $150.00

Vary licence conditions relating to the increase to number of gaming machines on licensed: $687.00

Application for exemption from provision of code of practice: $150.00

There's no fee for reducing the trading hours of a licensed premises.

There's no fee for reducing the number of gaming machines on a licenced premises.


An exemption appears on your licence and is approved at the discretion of the commissioner.

Exemptions may be varied or revoked, and can be granted subject to conditions.

All applications are assessed individually on their merits.

You can apply for the following exemptions for your gaming machine licence.

Exemption from ATM/EFTPOS cash limitations

This allows you to remove the limitation of $250 your patrons can withdraw per card per day.

Applications are assessed on how readily available ATMs and EFS are in the community around the venue and how remote your venue is.

It's your responsibility to satisfy the commissioner and provide relevant evidence and submissions.

Exemption to the gaming machines gambling code of practice

This allows you to have an exemption to a specific clause in the code of practice.

It's your responsibility to satisfy the commissioner and provide relevant evidence and submissions.

What happens next

Some applications to vary conditions are sent to the South Australia Police Licensing Enforcement Branch.

Some applications must also be advertised.

CBS will advise you of the next steps and what you need to do.

Submissions and interventions

If your application needs to be advertised, anyone can lodge a concern, known as a submission.

Some reasons for making a submission to a gaming application include:

  • granting the application would be inconsistent with the objects of the Act
  • the premises are unsuitable to be licensed
  • granting the application would create undue offence, annoyance, disturbance or inconvenience to the people in the area
  • granting the application would affect the safety of children attending school in the area
  • the applicant is not a fit and proper person to hold a licence
  • granting the application would not be in the community interest.

The police may also intervene in your application if they have concerns about public safety and disturbance or the fitness and propriety of any person holding the licence.

Application process

If all the approvals are in place and there are no concerns raised by any member of the public (submissions) or police (interventions), the application process will take approximately six to eight weeks.

Submissions or interventions must be lodged at least seven days before the determination date.

If anyone submits a concern regarding your application you will receive a copy.

You may then be asked to submit a response the commissioner.

In some rare circumstances, you may also be asked to:

  • take part in a conciliation conference with SAPOL (or anyone else who submitted their concerns) and the commissioner or a delegate
  • attend a hearing before the Licensing Court.

When determining a matter, the commissioner or delegate must consider all submissions, interventions and responses.

Conciliation conferences and hearings

Contact CBS Liquor and Gaming


Phone: 131 882

GPO Box 2169
Adelaide SA 5001

Page last updated 15 February 2023

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Attorney-General's Department
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