Complaints about the Restrictive Practices Unit

Easy Read information about making complaints to the Restrictive Practices Unit.

Easy Read information

This guide uses simple words and pictures to explain information. This makes information easier to understand.

This guide has some hard words. The word will be written in bold.

We explain what the hard word means.

This guide is written by the Restrictive Practices Unit.

The Restrictive Practices Unit are people in Government who make sure that laws for restrictive practices are followed.

What is a restrictive practice?

Restrictive practices can stop you from going places and doing things you want.

Restrictive practices can take away your choices.

A restrictive practice should only be used when you act in ways that makes you or other people unsafe.

There are rules and laws about how a restrictive practice is used.

The Restrictive Practice Unit is a government organisation that makes decisions about the use of restrictive practices.

Complaints about the Restrictive Practices Unit

This guide tells you how to put in a complaint if you are not happy about how you or someone else was treated by the Restrictive Practices Unit.

A complaint is when you tell someone that:

  • Something has gone wrong.
  • You are not happy about what a person said or did.

You can ask us to fix the problem.

You will not lose your care support when you make a complaint, or get into trouble.

How to make a complaint about the Restrictive Practices Unit

You can make a complaint about the Restrictive Practices Unit by contacting them.

Call us:

1800 862 004

You can call us Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm.

Write to us:

Restrictive Practices Unit
PO Box 70

Complaints about the Senior Authorising Officer

Complaints about the Senior Authorising Officer are different.

The Senior Authorising Officer is the person in charge of the Restrictive Practices Unit.

Complaints about the Senior Authorising Officer can be made to the Department of Human Services.

The Department of Human Services has a webpage where complaints can be made.

This is the web page address:

Ask for help

You can ask a friend, family member or disability advocate to help you.

A disability advocate is someone who helps people with disability so they are treated fairly.

You can find a disability advocate at one of these websites:

Images copyright © Leeds and York Partnership

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Page last updated 18 July 2023

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Department of Human Services
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