Find an employer offering a place in a trade

To start an apprenticeship or traineeship you'll need to find an employer who will take you on as an apprentice or trainee. Talk to local businesses that are listed on the Training and Skills Commission's Register of approved employers to find employers registered to take on apprentices or trainees in your field of choice. Someone in your area might be looking for someone right now.

Check advertisements in newspapers and online job sites such as Jobactive website.

Consider a Group Training Organisation (GTO). A GTO will employ you as an apprentice or trainee and place you with a host employer.

Australian Apprenticeship Support Network

Meet with an Apprenticeship Network Provider (ANP) who will help you and your employer draw up a training contract and complete and lodge it with us for assessment. ANPs provide information, administration services and support to employers and apprentices.

Find an Apprenticeship Network Provider - Australian Apprenticeships website

Find a training provider

Your apprenticeship or traineeship is generally made up of two types of training - on-job training (learning on the job with your employer or supervisor) and off-job training, which is usually carried out in classrooms or workshops by a training provider.

As part of its service, your training provider will tell you what off-job training components (often called units of competency) are needed to complete your qualification.

Search for a training course - Skills SA

Pay rates

Apprentice and trainee wages are mostly set by an industry award. Different industries have different awards. Find an award on the Fair Work Australia website to find your industry and see what you should be paid.

If you're employed in the SA Public Sector search industry awards on the South Australian Employment Tribunal website.

If you're not sure which award applies to you ask your employer or check your training contract.


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Page last updated 7 November 2023

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