English language courses and services

English language courses and services are available to help people from non-English speaking backgrounds to work, live and study in Australia.

Pre-school age children

If you are from a non-English speaking background and have young children under school age, you can access help in your language through your child care centre or preschool.

For more information about available support talk to a staff member at your early childhood centre.

If your child attends a preschool operated by the Department for Education, phone the Preschool Bilingual program staff on 8226 2794.

School age children

The English as an additional language or dialect (EALD) education program offered at many government schools helps school age students who are entering mainstream education.

A program for newly arrived students with minimal English is offered at Intensive English Language program centres and New Arrival program (NAP) centres.

When choosing a school for your child, ask about the level of English language support that is available at the school.

Adult students

Technical and Further Education (TAFE) SA students

TAFE SA offer English certificates for adults from non-English speaking backgrounds. Students can also learn about the Australian culture and community. Courses are flexible and offer a range of options for students who are new Australian residents.

International university students

The following South Australian universities offer a range of courses and support services to students from non-English speaking backgrounds:

New Arrivals program

The New Arrivals program at Thebarton Senior College is for English as a second language students over 17 who wish to participate in full-time study in an adult environment.

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