Getting to school

Students who live within five kilometres of their nearest public school are expected to make their own transport arrangements. Transport services are available for other students and those with special needs.

Rural students

Buses are provided for students living in rural areas or more than five kilometres from their nearest government school.

If a school bus is not provided families can apply for a student travelling allowance (PDF 171KB). For information about other options contact your school or local council.

Metropolitan Adelaide

Find an Adelaide Metro school bus service using the journey planner. Make sure only the 'school bus' option is ticked.

Students with disabilities

Transport assistance may be provided to the closest department special option (school unit or class).

Transport assistance may be in the form of car reimbursement to parents or caregivers, or by direct assistance using a bus, taxi or access cab.

For more information and the application process to access these services, contact your school.

Student concession for public transport

Full-time students are entitled to concession rates on public transport. Students over 15 must carry identification cards that are organised through the school.

Travelling to school safely

Children need to be reminded about personal safety when they start school and when they travel independently.

Bicycles, scooters and walking to school

Students riding bicycles have the same rights and responsibilities as other road users. Most schools provide bicycle racks for students to secure their bicycles. All cyclists in South Australia must wear a helmet.

Students who walk, ride scooters or skate to school are considered to be pedestrians and need to be aware of their rights and responsibilities when using footpaths and roads.

The Way2Go program has resources that parents and teachers can use to explain road safety.

Some schools in South Australia have a walking school bus that involves parent volunteers walking a set route to pick up children on their way to school. Contact your school to find out if they have a walking school bus.

Encourage your child to avoid:

  • loitering on their way to and from school
  • visiting friends without permission
  • going anywhere with strangers.

Safety advice for drivers

To avoid accidents it's important for parents and students who drive to follow safety rules.

Many schools provide drop-off zones, taxi zones, parking and u-turns to maintain a safe and orderly traffic flow. Safety instructions include:

  • observing school speed limits - there's a 25 km zone around schools when children are present
  • not parking in no standing zones or across school entrances
  • respecting local neighbours and their right to access their driveways
  • not double parking
  • ensuring that children exit their car onto the footpath.

Remember that local councils enforce parking regulations and police will take action against traffic offences.

Most car parks on school grounds are reserved for staff and disability access.

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Page last updated 28 February 2024

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