Feedback and complaints about child care services

Feedback is valuable as it helps to shape services to meet your needs. Parents and carers have the right to raise issues or concerns about the operation or staffing at:

  • child care centres
  • children's centres
  • rural care services
  • baby sitting agencies
  • out of school hours care programs
  • vacation care programs
  • family day care services
  • crèches.

You also have a right to be supported by a friend or representative from a support organisation at any meeting.

Raise an issue, make a complaint or give feedback

To raise an issue, make a complaint, or give feedback follow these steps:

1. Identify the issue

It helps to be clear about what the problem or issue is, and what you would like done about it.

2. Find a person to speak to

The manager of the service is a good starting point.

3. Organise a time to meet

Outside of business hours is best so that planned activities are not interrupted.

4. If the matter is not resolved

Email the Education Standards Board or phone 1800 882 413 (toll free).

You can check the complaints section of the Education Standards Board website to learn about the types of complaints the Board can handle.

5. If you are still concerned

If you are still concerned about the issue, you can email the chief executive of the education department. The chief executive will expect that you have already tried to resolve the issue using steps 1 to 4.

6. Finally, contact the minister

To take the matter even further, email the Minister for Education. The minister will expect that you have already tried to resolve the issue using Steps 1 to 5.

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Page last updated 16 February 2024

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