Reporting marine oil spills

Reporting a marine oil spill early is critical. Oil introduces toxic material into the food chain, degrades beaches, and can smother marine organisms.

Don't attempt to clean up the spill yourself - the incident will be investigated and a suitable response made - eg:

  • allowing the fuel to naturally dissipate
  • agitation of the water
  • use of recovery equipment.

How to report a marine oil spill

If you witness pollution from a ship or notice oil on any waters phone 8248 3505 or call on radio channel 12 at all hours.

Provide as much information as possible - tell the operator:

  • any other relevant information available.
  • your contact details
  • when and where the pollution occurred
  • the type of substance discharged
  • the extent of the pollution
  • name of the vessel or other source.

How to tell if a substance is oil

  • When oil enters water it will generally quickly start to spread to a thin layer, often over a large area.
  • Oil generally has a sheen on water.
  • Oil will generally appear smoother or 'slick' compared to the surrounding water.
  • Oil will generally have a strong smell (petroleum-based product).
  • If oil is on rocks, sand, or other structures it will not wash off with water.
  • If it quickly washes off into the water it is probably algae.
  • If unsure, always report it.

Sea scum

During the summer months, South Australian waters experience a phenomenon commonly known as sea scum.

Short filaments of algal plant life, disturbed by wind and sea, appear as grey-fawn-coloured streaks on the water. The algae can also be red, red-brown, or yellow, often resembling oil. As the algae decays it gives off an offensive odour similar to chlorine, iodine, or oil.

South Australian Marine Spill Contingency Action Plan

The South Australian Marine Spill Capability Action Plan (SAMSCAP) outlines how the government responds to oil spills that impact, or are likely to impact, South Australia's coastal waters. The plan is written pursuant to Section 28A of the Protection of Marine Waters (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act 1987.


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Page last updated 28 December 2023

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