Good practice exchange library

These resources have been developed by SA Housing Authority and community housing providers.

National Community Housing Standards

The National Community Housing Standards were introduced in 1998 with the aim of setting out good practice standards in service delivery in the community housing sector throughout Australia. The Standards cover the elements that constitute a quality housing service for residents and tenants in community housing. Visit National Regulatory System Community Housing for more information.


Community housing providers must complete a community housing property inspection, the property inspection template (50.5 KB XLS) is an example that been developed to assist providers, along with a property inspection guide (52.8 KB PDF).

Maintenance request form (14.8 KB DOCX)

A maintenance template has been created to help providers prepare their annual estimates for maintenance work for each of their properties.

Sub-committee terms of reference templates

Most providers establish sub-committees that are responsible for performing, reviewing and monitoring specific activities.

The four sub-committees described here are the most common types, but providers may establish other ones if there is a need.

Terms of Reference for these committees have been created by SA Housing Authority for providers to adapt for their own use.

Tenancy sub-committee

Responsible for:

  • ensuring all tenancy related by-laws, policies and procedures are correctly applied
  • assessing applications for tenancy
  • reviewing and updating tenancy by-laws and policies
  • reviewing and updating the induction manual for new tenants.

Tenancy sub-committee terms of reference (24.9 KB DOCX)

Maintenance sub-committee

Responsible for:

  • ensuring all maintenance related by-laws, policies and procedures are correctly applied
  • organising and conducting property inspections
  • liaising with any maintenance contractors as required
  • coordinating voluntary maintenance work with members when appropriate
  • conducting regular property inspections
  • developing the summary maintenance plan for submission to SA Housing Authority each year.

Maintenance sub-committee terms of reference (27.5 KB DOCX)

Membership sub-committee

Responsible for:

  • ensuring all membership related by-laws, policies and procedures are correctly applied
  • assessing applications for membership and making recommendations
  • reviewing and updating membership-related by-laws, policies and procedures
  • revising and updating the induction manual for members
  • preparing the annual membership reports.

Membership sub-committee terms of reference (22.7 KB DOCX)

Finance sub-committee

Responsible for:

  • ensuring all finance related by-laws, policies and procedures are correctly applied
  • coordinating the development of the annual budget for submission to SA Housing Authority
  • monitoring income and expenditure
  • making recommendations about budget shortfalls, surpluses or variations
  • revising and updating finance by-laws, policies and procedures.

Finance sub-committee terms of reference (20.4 KB DOCX)

Office bearer and coordinator job description templates

An office bearer is someone who is a member of a committee or board and has a role with particular functions and responsibilities.  Office bearers and coordinators are elected at each annual general meeting.

These role descriptions for office bearers have been developed by SA Housing Authority for providers to adapt for their own use:


The chairperson is the representative and spokesperson for their housing cooperative. They monitor the cooperative's compliance with legislation, rules and by-laws. They initiate particular activities within the cooperative, including group development and annual strategic planning. They chair and facilitate meetings, and address any complaints or grievances raised.

Chairperson role description (45.5 KB DOC)


The secretary prepares for meetings, including liaising with the chairperson to set agendas. They are responsible for maintaining the cooperative's records and manage all incoming correspondence. They are the custodian of the Common Seal and maintain the Common Seal register.

Secretary role description (46.5 KB DOC)

Tenancy officer

Tenancy officers manage all matters relating to incoming, current and outgoing tenants, including lease agreements, tenancy inspections and maintaining tenant records.

Tenancy officer role description (47.0 KB DOC)

Rent coordinator

Rent coordinators manage all matters relating to rent and rent records. They liaise with the tenancy officer about rent matters, including managing rent arrears. They calculate rent charges according to the rent policy and review these at least once every six months.

Rent coordinator role description (21.8 KB DOCX)


The Treasurer manages the cooperative's financial transactions. They develop the annual budget and maintain accurate financial records. This includes monitoring and reporting on the cooperative's income and expenditure. They are responsible for submitting the annual budget to Renewal SA each year.

Treasurer role description (46.0 KB DOC)

Membership officer

Membership officers manage all matters relating to membership decisions or breaches of membership requirements. They coordinate membership applications and induct new members. They can help members decide which office bearer role they would like to be nominated for at the next annual general meeting.

Membership officer role description (46.0 KB DOC)

Maintenance officer

Maintenance officers manage and maintain the cooperative's housing stock. They maintain maintenance records, conduct annual property inspections, develop annual maintenance plans for each property as well as the summary maintenance plan for submission to SA Housing Authority each year.  They organise for maintenance to be carried out, including engaging licensed tradespeople or carrying out maintenance themselves as required.

Maintenance officer role description (46.5 KB DOC)

Education officer

Education officers are responsible for developing and implementing an annual training plan for each member of the cooperative. They liaise with members, other community housing providers and SA Housing Authority to deliver necessary training programs.

Education officer role description (45.5 KB DOC)
Model organisation training plan (174.0 KB DOC)
Model individual annual training plan and record (43.5 KB DOC)
Model training self check (57.0 KB DOC)
Model job description template (33.5 KB DOC)

For an alternative version of a document on this page contact SA Housing Authority

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Page last updated 20 December 2021

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