Healthy eating in schools and preschools

Schools teach children about food and nutrition as part of the curriculum.

Over 40% of food and drink consumed in a child’s day occurs during school hours. This means schools are an important setting to promote and provide food and drink that nourishes and supports learning.

The Right Bite Food and Drink Supply standards, provided by the Department for Education in partnership with Wellbeing SA, provide guidance for a healthy and safe food supply where food and drink are sold or provided.

Providing food for students at school or preschool

Parents and carers often help their children to pack snacks, lunch and drinks for school and preschool.

This may include a recess snack, lunch, a bottle of water and maybe an additional serve of vegetable or fruit if your school offers ‘brain breaks’ – short breaks during class time.

For ideas and tips of what to pack into lunchboxes and food safety considerations:

Your school, preschool or its governing council, may give more instructions about the food and drink consumed on site. These may be in relation to food safety, allergy risks, storage or healthy food approaches. The Department for Education has more information about food and drinks at your child’s school.

Food and nutrition support from schools and preschools

Schools and preschools:

  • offer learning opportunities that promote food literacy skills and nutrition knowledge
  • can support you to find referrals to health professionals if you have a nutrition or food concern relating to your child
  • promote positive eating practices during lunch and snack breaks and where food is sold or provided
  • discuss and collaboratively manage food-related risks with parents and carers
  • use student health care plans if your child has one.

Children with special food and drink requirements

You must inform your school, preschool or education service if your child has:

  • special food needs related to health conditions, such as swallowing difficulties, for example cystic fibrosis or diabetes
  • a food allergy.

Talk to your school or preschool about putting a health care plan in place.


Department for Education
Engagement and Wellbeing – Food and Nutrition

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Page last updated 14 March 2024

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