Licence to import explosives

Before importing explosives you must give notice of your intention and obtain a licence.

Who should apply

Anyone intending to import explosives, including from interstate, must give notice and apply for a licence.

Notice of intention

Notification of intention is required for the importation, including from interstate, of any class of explosive in quantities exceeding three kilograms.

Notification is required for each consignment.

Notification must be given to the Director, SafeWork SA at least two clear working days before the intended import date.

Licence to import

The licence to import, including from interstate, is required for any class of explosive in quantities exceeding three kilograms.

All imported explosives must be classified by the Dangerous Substances Team of SafeWork SA.

The licence is not transferable.

How to apply

1. Application form

Download the application form to notify your intention to import explosives and for a licence from the SafeWork SA website.

2. Lodgement

Lodge the applications with SafeWork SA by post with all supporting documentation indicated in your application.

SafeWork SA contact details.

Renewing your licence

Licences are issued for 12 months.

Related information

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Page last updated 17 November 2022

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